Thursday, May 24, 2012

Shooting with Natural Light

Just like any other photographer, I started shooting with natural light. I was using different type of reflectors and using available everyday items . Everyday items you might ask? Yes, you can actually use what is provided by around you. Natural items that reflects light... like sand at the beach (on a sunny day of course), water (pool, pond, etc.), lightly colored items like a wooden fence or even concrete floors and walls. You just have to be aware how all the light is reflected and bouncing around in your work area and position your subject correctly. The human eye is so amazing that it can adjust to anything; unlike a camera which is a mechanical item. It's like a computer... garbage in ...garbage out. Reason the camera has shutter speed, aperture, and ISO that will help everything work our human eye.

I usually shoot with strobes especially when I started shooting professionally. I am now going back to my roots and working with ambient light again. A few weeks ago, I worked with a local boutique, an agency model, and a makeup/hair stylist in one of my shoots.  Here are the outcome....

All are done using ambient light... shot around noon time.